Dr. phil. Friederike Una Hohlefeld (PhD, PsyM)

Researcher. Artisan. Musician. Autistic.

main qualifications

PhD (Dr. phil.) in cognitive neuroscience (2010) summa cum laude, full-time scholarship (3 yrs)
Berlin School of Mind and Brain
in cooperation with Free University Berlin and Charité University Medicine Berlin

diploma (master/PsyM) in human psychology (2007) grade A
Free University Berlin
in cooperation with Charité University Medicine Berlin

about me in a nutshell

  • organizational talent, striving for efficient win-win solutions​
  • analytical mind, interdisciplinary reasoning and optimization
  • lateral thinker, attention to details and the „big picture“

main research interests

human brain research​​

  • neural interactions in time and space
  • EEG, EMG, local field potentials
  • neural oscillations, evoked responses
  • motor control and movement
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • connectivity, fractal methods
  • spatial navigation, virtual reality

neurofeedback research​​

  • brain-computer interface
  • quasi-movements
  • neural basis of fine motor control
  • motor imagery, movement intention

further topics​​ of interest

  • autism spectrum, Asperger’s syndrome
  • (musical) creativity and improvisation​
  • canine cognition, human-canine interaction

research experience and PhD positions

total academic research experience: 14 years
current research status: inactive


Master and PhD: human brain research (brain-computer interface, motor imagery, motor control); EEG and EMG

Neurophysics Group
Department of Neurology at Charité University Medicine Berlin, Germany / led by Prof. Dr. Gabriel Curio & Prof. Dr. Vadim Nikulin in collaboration with the Berlin Brain-Computer Interface project (BBCI) at Technical University Berlin, Germany.
Free University Berlin
Department of Psychology, Germany.


Postdoc: medical human brain research (Parkinson’s disease, movement disorders); DBS and EEG

Neurophysics Group
Department of Neurology at Charité University Medicine Berlin, Germany / led by Prof. Dr. Gabriel Curio & Prof. Dr. Vadim Nikulin. In cooperation with the Clinical Research Group 247 „Deep Brain Stimulation“ / led by Prof. Dr. Andrea Kühn.​


Postdoc: human brain research (motor cognition and spatial navigation); EEG, motion capture and virtual reality

Berlin Mobile Brain/Body Imaging Lab (BeMoBIL)
Department of Biological Psychology and
Neuroergonomics at Technical University Berlin, Germany / led by Prof. Dr. Klaus Gramann.

temporal dynamics in my own brain waves (EEG C3, 8-12 Hz; 2013)

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